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Privacy Policy

1. General provisions
1.1 This privacy policy regulates the basic principles and procedures for the collection, processing and storage of personal data of the MB Melandra website (hereinafter - and customer (hereinafter - You, Yours).
1.2 The collection, processing and storage of your personal data is determined by this privacy policy, the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts.
1.3 By specifying your personal data on the website, you agree that will manage and process them for the purposes, means and procedures provided for in this privacy policy and legal acts.
1.4. If you use, it means that you have read and agreed to this Privacy Policy and the purposes, methods and procedure of processing your personal data specified in it. If you do not agree with the Privacy Policy, you have no right to use

2. Collection, processing and storage of personal data
2.1 is guided by the following basic principles of personal data processing:
2.1.1 Personal data is collected for defined and legitimate purposes.
2.1.2 Personal data is processed accurately and honestly.
2.1.3 Personal data is stored no longer than required by the established purposes of data processing.
2.1.4 Personal data is processed only by those employees or authorized persons who have been granted such a right.
2.1.5 All information about processed personal data is confidential.
2.2 respects everyone's right to privacy. Your personal data (name, surname, phone number, e-mail address and other information specified in the registration form) are collected and processed for the following purposes:
2.2.1 process your orders;
2.2.2 issue financial documents and account for them in financial systems (e.g. invoices);
2.2.4 to fulfill other contractual obligations;

3. Transfer of personal data to third parties
3.1 Transfer of personal data to third parties
3.1.2 The seller has the right to transfer information to third parties, only for the purposes of point 2.2.
3.1.3 Only according to the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

4. Changing or updating personal data
4.1 You have the right to change and/or update the information provided in the registration form at any time by notifying us at

6. Cookies
6.1 We inform you that in order to be able to offer you full-fledged services on our website, we save information (cookies) on your computer (device). We will use the recorded information to identify you as a previous user of the website, and to collect website traffic statistics. You can review what information (cookies) we are recording at any time, and you can delete some or all of the recorded cookies. You also have the right not to consent to the recording and use of information (cookies) on your computer (device), but in this case some functions of the website may not be available to you. We assume that by using the e-store, we agree to the fact that information is recorded on your computer (device). You can withdraw your consent at any time by changing the settings of your internet browser or by contacting us using any of the contacts published on the website.

7. Amendment of Rules and Final Provisions
7.1 has the right to partially or completely change the Privacy Terms by announcing this on the website. Your continued use of our website services constitutes compliance with these rules. All disagreements and disputes are resolved through negotiation. If an agreement cannot be reached, disputes are resolved according to the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

If you have any questions or suggestions, write to us at

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